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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Review Of The 50'th Law

Yesterday i had the chance to read 50th law by Robert Green and 50 Cent, I found that I greatly enjoyed the book. It was short, succinct, but was very descriptive and had examples to support its ideas. While I found the 48 Laws of Power to be interesting, this book was held my attention , an many of the ideas resonated. The theme of the book is mostly on becoming self-reliant,  overcoming fears, and the importance of Individuality. Other topics include how other people became successful throughout history and methods that other great people in history used to set a goal and accomplish it. I highly suggest for anyone to read the book, My favorite chapters was Intense Realism and Self-Reliance,  those chapters focus on being able to provide for self, working for self, and turning to others out of strength. It also mentions that those who are self-reliant are able to interact with others and not to say “F### U”! be  only for self.  
Intense Realism is observing an environment for what it is and understanding situations for what they are. Taking an opportunity that  would feel negative and using it as a learning experience.  He used  50 Cent’s  shooting as an example, instead of giving up on his goals , it pushed him further to want to accomplish them.  The author states, “The greatest fear people have is being themselves”. Which I thought was very true, instead of embracing their individuality people often conform to fit in or to be accepted even when it does not fit them.
Greene also discusses how throughout any-ones life people will doubt someone’s abilities or their talent. But that should cause anyone to discontinue their goals or dreams. He mentions how if you elevate your self-image, less judgments and opinions will hurt you. It is important to belief in self because often others won’t.
Lastly, I appreciate the book for its in-depth look at characteristics that all great leaders have.  Greene states, “The fearless type in history inevitably display in their lives a higher tolerance than most of us for repetive, boring tasks. This allows them to excel in their field and master their craft”.   He goes on to say,”What kept them going was the power they quickly discovered through mastery of certain steps”. In other words, often those who are leaders are willing to go the extra-mile, make sacrifices, and put their all into their goals.That is the  recipe for being a leader /success.  Many people often are in awe at  the people who are successful but don’t realize that they work very hard and were very passionate. They also had a positive mind state, which allowed them to see opportunities early.
I got plenty out of reading the  book and I plan to read some more of his work.  I would also like to know when he  is going to publish his next body of work. I think Greene is smart, insightful, and overall a great author.

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